5 Reasons Why People Don't Fully Recover from Loss
Though EFT tapping is incredibly effective for grief recovery, most people don’t fully recover from losing a loved one.
Throughout the past
A Powerful Way to Uncover and Heal Hidden Aspects of Grief
Very often my clients will think that they’ve completely recovered from losing a loved one, when in actuality, there’s still quite a bit...
How to Heal the Wounds of the Past with EFT
How to heal the wounds of the past with EFT tapping. No matter painful or traumatic experiences you've had, they can all be healed with EFT.
5 Ways to Tell That a Trauma Is Completely Healed
How to use EFT tapping to completely heal a trauma, and how to tell when complete healing has been achieved.
My Two-Step Process for Using EFT Tapping to Release Fears
Every fear is rooted in something. Sometimes it's a traumatic event, sometimes it's a belief, and sometimes it's a combination o
8 Signs That You'd Be Better Off Working with an EFT Practitioner
One of the things I love the most about EFT is how easy it is to use for self-healing. Compared to other modalities like EMDR and biofeedbac
When You Don't Feel Like Tapping
How to release resistance and fear to healing the issues that are holding you back and causing you to suffer.
The 5 Steps of Tapping to Forgive Someone Who Has Hurt You
A step-by-step guide to using EFT tapping to truly and completely forgive anyone who has hurt you.
23 Ways to Use EFT Tapping to Improve Your Life
I've been an EFT practitioner since 2008, and I'm still learning new ways to use this incredibly powerful tool. I hope yo
5 Childhood Experiences That Often Cause Low Self-Esteem and How to Recover from Them
Generally speaking, low self-esteem does not happen in a vacuum. There are some common childhood experiences which pretty much always...
The Paralyzing Power of the Past: When Trauma Keeps You from Living Your Life
Many years ago a new client came to me for help with overcoming extreme anxiety in the workplace. In fact, she wasn’t just anxious about wor
The Life-Changing Power of Negative Thinking: How Focusing on the Bad Reveals the Good
Why focusing on the negative is the most effective way to use EFT tapping to heal any issue, including grief, trauma, fears, and limiting...
How to Use EFT to Heal a Broken Heart
Step-by-step guide to using EFT tapping to heal every aspect of a broken heart so that it can no longer cause you to suffer.
How to Combine the Healing Power of Journaling and EFT
How to combine the healing power of journaling with EFT tapping.
4 EFT Tapping Tools for Bringing More Love into Your Life
Whether you're in a happy relationship, a not-so-happy relationship, single, divorced, or widowed, these tapping resources will help....
The Facts Don't Matter: The Primacy of Emotional Truth in EFT
The facts don't matter? How can that be? What does that even mean? Let me explain. If you've had a traumatic experience, but you don't rem
Celebrating 20 Years As a Healer & Mindset Coach
This morning as I was updating part of my website, I suddenly realized that this year, 2024, marks 20 years since I started my private...
How to Maximize Your Confidence to Skyrocket Your Success
It probably goes without saying that the more confident you are, the more successful your business will be. But why is that exactly? To gain
3 Powerful Ways to Use EFT Tapping to Achieve Your Goals
Setting goals is incredibly important for getting where you want to go in life. Once you've set goals, did you know you can use EFT to...
My Top 10 Most Popular Free EFT Resources of 2022
My top 10 most popular free EFT resources of 2022, including tapping scripts, articles, and free tapping events.
30 Limiting Beliefs That Prevent Financial Success
Limiting beliefs have the power to keep you from achieving your financial goals. Here's how to make sure that this doesn't happen to you.
Tapping for Grief: How to Use EFT to Recover from Loss
There's no getting around it. Grief is an integral part of life. Even if you've never lost a loved one, no doubt you've lost som
4 Reasons You're Not Getting Amazing Results with EFT Tapping
In my many years as an EFT practitioner, most of my clients have told me that when doing EFT on their own, they just don't get the amazing..
Tapping to Heal, Transform & Thrive | July 30, 2022
Video and transcript of 90-minute group EFT session. Tap along as we release money blocks, heal grief, and erase trauma.
5 Ways to Get Better Results with EFT Tapping
Here are five of my tried and true techniques for making sure every aspect of an issue I'm working on with a client has been uncovered, iden
Using Photos with EFT to Heal the Pain of Loss
One of the things I often hear from my clients and students is that they don't know how to come up with effective tapping statements....
Tapping Script for Recovering from the Loss of Your Mother
This script will help you to identify and release the many aspects of grief over losing your mother. Because love is forever, but grief does
How Limiting Beliefs Prevent Business Success
Regardless of what your goals are for your business, limiting beliefs are nearly always going to be a part of the picture. Let’s look at som
EFT Tapping Script for Healing the Holiday Blues
For many people, the holidays can be a very difficult time. There are myriad reasons for this. For those who have lost a loved one, the....
How to Erase the Fears that Limit Your Income and Impact As an Entrepreneur
All entrepreneurs experience fear. And while there are certain fears which a lot of entrepreneurs have in common, there are others which are
EFT Tapping for Health, Wealth & Happiness
I recently had the opportunity to talk about EFT tapping with Jen Riday on her fantastic podcast, Vibrant Happy Women. From using EFT to rec
EFT Tapping Script for Recovering from Long COVID
Important Note: As you read this article and EFT tapping script, please keep in mind that I am neither a physician nor a scientist. I’ve...
How to Use EFT to Remove Money Blocks
Learn how to identify and remove money blocks with EFT tapping. Discover how to reach your full earning potential by releasing the fears, li
How to Use EFT Tapping to Remove the Pain from Painful Memories
Are you hurting about an event from your past and are not quite sure how to release it with EFT tapping? Here's an easy to follow...
7 Reasons People Don't Heal and How to Release Them with Tapping
Looking at these seven reasons and how they may resonate with your experience will help you to identify and release inner obstacles to heali
The Power of Doing EFT on Wishes and Wants
One of the best ways to identify parts of ourselves that need healing is to work with wishes and wants. Here's how to use this powerful
5 Things You Need to Give Yourself a Great EFT Session
Once you've learned the basics of EFT, you can give yourself a great (even life-changing) tapping session. However, oftentimes, when...
EFT for Healing the Trauma That Keeps You from Achieving Your Goals
It's a fact of life that traumatic events from our past cause inner blocks to achievement like fears, limiting beliefs, self-doubt. What...
How to Use EFT to Clear Inner Clutter
To one degree or another, we’re all carrying the past around inside our bodies, and this creates inner clutter. What I mean by this is that
How to Use EFT Tapping to Erase Fears and Phobias
To one degree or another, everyone experiences fear. What are you afraid of? Many people are, understandably, afraid of death. I've...
Tapping into Wealth
How to use Margaret Lynch's fantastic book, Tapping into Wealth, to heal financial trauma, remove inner obstacles to prosperity, and liv
How to Use EFT to Improve Any Relationship
Simple, step-by-step instructions for using the gentle power of EFT to improve any relationship in your life.
Rapid Stress Relief with EFT Tapping
This 10-minute EFT exercise will give you rapid stress relief, helping you to relax and continue with your day feeling renewed.
Tapping Script for Releasing Stress and Resistance About Taxes
I don’t know about you, but I’m not feeling super excited about getting my taxes done. Sometimes I get them done early in the year, which is
EFT Tapping Script for Healing from Divorce
Divorce is one of the most painful and disruptive experiences a person can have. Thankfully, EFT can be used to release all of the grief,...
How to Use EFT Tapping to Achieve Your Business Goals
I had a great conversation with Dr. Cortney Baker on her podcast, Women in Business. We talked about how to achieve your goals by removing y
5 Ways Past Failures Could Be Preventing Your Future Success and What You Can Do About It
While it's true that failure is part of every success story, it's also true that many people never succeed because their past failures...
Here's Your Magic Wand: How EFT Tapping Can Transform Your Life
Ever since I first began doing EFT, my clients have been saying things to me like: “This is so strange. I don’t understand how an issue I’ve
Top 10 Reasons Why EFT Is the Best Thing Ever
I first learned about EFT from a book called The Promise of Energy Psychology. Since then, it's transformed my life, and the lives of my...
How to Use EFT to Heal the Pain of Unmet Needs
Unmet needs tend to crop up in just about every area of our lives, from childhood on, and the pain and limiting beliefs they can cause...