Tapping Script for Releasing Painful Feelings and Beliefs About Love
I created this script to help you release any limiting and/or painful beliefs you may have about love. When we have beliefs like these about love, it can have many detrimental effects, including the following:
Reduced fulfillment in relationships
Increased rate of conflict in relationships
Inability to trust others
Diminished self-esteem/negative self-image
Chronic loneliness (even when in a relationship)
When you use tapping to release limiting and painful beliefs about love, every relationship in your life will improve (including your relationship with yourself), because when you remove the cause of issues like the ones listed above, the effects automatically go with it. Presto!
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” — Rumi
Read through the statements, and give each one a number between 0 and 10 which gauges the how true the statement feels to you.
Though you may not agree intellectually with the beliefs in this script, meaning you don't think they apply to you, pay close attention to how you feel when you read each one.
It's very common for our minds to say one thing about a tapping statement or belief, and have our bodies say the opposite.
With EFT, it's important to go with how you feel about a statement, not with what you think about it, because we're addressing your emotional truth, so that you can then heal it with tapping.
In addition to giving each statement a number which gauges how true it feels to you, also give it a number which gauges the emotional charge it has for you.
I encourage you to tap out any statement that feels true to you and/or has an emotional charge. These two numbers may be the same, or they may be different. Either way is fine.
You may notice that when you start tapping on these statements, thoughts and feelings will arise that you can use as new tapping statements, which will then give rise to still more thoughts and feelings, which you can use to create additional tapping statements, and so on.
I call this following the thread, and it’s a very efficient way to heal and release a lot of painful feelings in a short amount of time.
I recommend tapping each statement down to 0 (or no higher than a 2) before moving on to another one.
There's a lot of material here, so just do a few statements per tapping session, or no more than an hour of tapping per session.
You can return to this script at any time to tap out the remaining statements that feel charged for you.
When doing EFT tapping on your own, if you aren't able to completely heal the issue you're working on, so that when you think about it, it no longer causes any stress, emotional pain, anger, or fear, I recommend working with a professional EFT practitioner. If you decide that this is the best course of action for you, and you'd like to work with me, click here to schedule an EFT session or free consultation.
It isn’t safe to be loved.
Love isn’t safe.
I’ve never gotten the love I needed and I never will.
Love leads to heartbreak.
I’m not lovable.
If I was lovable, I’d have the love I need.
Love is scary.
You can’t rely on love.
If I let people love me, I’ll end up getting hurt.
I don’t deserve love.
I’m not worthy of love.
Love is hard.
Love leads to misery.
I’ll never find lasting love.
Lasting love is a myth.
If you didn’t get the love you needed as a child, you never will, because you’ll always be unconsciously drawn toward people who won’t love you.
It’s not safe to open my heart to love.
I don’t know how to open my heart to love.
If I open my heart to love, I’ll get hurt.
No one ever loves me as much as I love them.
No one will ever love me like I need to be loved.
Love always ends up in misery for me.
If I meet someone and we fall in love, it won’t work out.
My parents didn’t really love me, and therefore no one else ever will.
You have to work for love.
You have to earn love.
Some people are worthy of love, and some aren’t.
I don’t deserve love because __________________________________.
I’m not lovable and there’s nothing I can do to change that.
When doing EFT tapping on your own, if you aren't able to completely heal the issue you're working on, so that when you think about it, it no longer causes any stress, emotional pain, anger, or fear, I can help. Click here to learn more and schedule an session or free consultation.
Heather Ambler is a California based EFT practitioner and mindset coach. Through her private practice and online programs, she’s helped over 14,000 people in 81 countries heal the pain of losing a loved one, recover from trauma, release fears, erase limiting beliefs, increase confidence, and achieve goals. To schedule an EFT session or free consultation, click here.